Kamis, 14 Juni 2012



The human body is made up of millions of cells.
Health of the body cells is the key and the main determinants of health for the whole body and organs.

Your cells are healthy, body healthy too!!!

Polysaccharide which is contained in winmeta can increase levels of absorption of vitamins, minerals, and amino ASID required by the agency, provide food for the body's cells and cells which remove damaged and dead, so that the body organs to function normally and promote cell rejuvenation.
For children and infants: 

- Helps muscle growth and bone
 - Increase the growth of brain cells 
- Strengthens the cells of lung 
- Reduce the digestive problems
For adults: 

- Healthy and smooth the skin 
- Increases stamina 
- Balancing of hormones
 - Ageless 
- Accelerating the achievement of ideal body weight

For the elderly: 

- Improve memory 
- Increase the power 
- Strengthens the immunity system 
- Strengthen muscles and lightens pigmentation

For the sick:

- Increase the power 
- Accelerate the healing of the immune
- strengthening 
- Get rid of damaged cells and who died and encourage cell rejuvenation

Winmeta safe to eat because it is made from extracts of organic brown rice husk in production choices which Thailand is a country of brown rice producer in the world, 1 spoon equivalent to 10 kg of brown rice. Recommended by doctors in singapore and malaysia for a variety of healing.


"Over the past 25 years working in the medical field, I have never seen another product that comes close Winmeta ability to increase energy instantly and as anti-aging food at the cellular level. "
Dr. Mark Smith PhD, N.DM (President & Chairman of University of Natural Medicine)
"Winmeta is needed for the life of the cells of your body."
Dr. Somchai Boonchen PhD. (Research & Development Director of Macro Food Tech Co. Ltd)

1 bottle Weight 325 grams

3 months is recommended for use in detoxification of the body

We open up the opportunity if you want to become distributors

Interest ???
 Call / Sms :
leni 08383 999 0233 

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